Putting Truth on our Thanksgiving Table

Beth Kander
5 min readNov 23, 2022
Can we enjoy the beautiful aspects of the season that bring us together… while simultaneously and honestly acknowledging the painful past, and the way people and this land were so unjustly torn apart?

Today my inbox is full of last-minute Thanksgiving advice. Wondering how to accommodate unexpected guests? Wonder no more, there’s a guide for that! Forgot to thaw your turkey? No problem, here’s a hack! Need a hasty potato dish? They’ve got you covered, as long as you have at least one half-decent potato on hand!

But if rather than food, you’re still seeking a way to bring some truth to your



Beth Kander

Writer. Actress. Instigator. Terrible runner. Athazagoraphobic. Musing most often on writing, theater, arts, food, & world-saving: http://t.co/N6U0o0X0UN